Who is this new Senem?
The same and yet another Senem Diyici, with many projects and who, after a few years devoted to reflection, workshops, concerts, will soon return to the studios. Among my projects, in fact, above all, that of a new album on which I have been working for several months with talented musicians, under the artistic direction of Ersin Ersavas, who arranges it. In all, a dozen songs, quite far from the jazz styles that I favored until Dila Dila. This time, songs in which I will share what I feel deeply about life, on new melodies, and some new versions of certain songs recorded for my previous albums. After thirty years during which I lived and worked mainly in France, after 7 albums and hundreds of concerts, I decided to come back to live and make music in Turkey. The country where I was born, the country of my youth, which I love, of course, and of which everything that defines it, its landscapes, its history, its culture, the people who inhabit it, nourishes my inspiration and the forces that animate me. I also have many workshop projects, these famous “workshops”, during which I will offer to share my knowledge and my practice of rhythm, breathing, voice. It’s a strange time that we have been going through for over a year now, complex times, in a world that is ours, yes, but that we share with all forms of life, starting of course with women and men around us, near and far, and whom we must respect. We have to overcome all this, show ourselves strong and worthy, with love. It is my dearest wish, that my music is useful for this, that it be beautiful, that you like it.
See you soon !