As often as possible, I will indeed suggest to those who wish to find “their voice” and their “intimate rhythm”, that of their unique personality, that of their heart, that of their soul. It is so hard to find yourself in today’s world. By using breathing techniques, percussion instruments and, first of all, the body itself, by getting to know it better, we can progress rapidly in this liberating quest. To hear, to feel his authentic voice for the first time, is a fantastic feeling. During these workshops, each one will experience the surprise and the happiness of discovering their voice, in the cry, the tears as well as the giggles. Free yourself from hidden fears, communicate with yourself and others without inhibition, because everyone can sing, that is the goal of these workshops.
I will also present to you soon my shamanic work. Ancient civilizations have always linked music and spirituality. During these workshops, it is about rediscovering through dance, rhythm, voice and colors, a harmony with oneself, nature, the universe.
To be continued !